Glasgow signal worker strike suspended

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Car Rental News - 23/01/2012


A strike planned for rail signal workers in and around Glasgow has been put on hold.

Some 30 employees based at a rail control centre in Glasgow were planning to walkout today due to concerns of career progression. However, the Rail Maritime and Transport (RMT) Union has since said that the strike has since been suspended as a result of negotiations mediated by the Acas conciliation service.

Network Rail had previously said that trains travelling throughout Scotland would have run as normal despite industrial action that was scheduled to commence at 05:59 BST today.

The union said that the employees were set to strike for two 24-hour periods on 23 January and 27 January following a longer walkout during the Christmas period at the Glasgow control centre.

A spokesman for the RMT said that current talks entailed “meaningful dialogue” that could lead to a resolution of the issue. According to Network Rail, officials are looking to use existing collective bargaining agreements to try to bring an end to the impasse.

Reports said the strike comes as a result of “slotting”, a practice in which staff members achieve automatic promotions based on seniority. However, Network Rail has maintained that the practice has not been used since the mid 1990s.

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